As a 20-year-old that's been participating in fandom culture for upwards of five years, this was a hard one. In the time I've been on the internet, I've cycled through so many fandoms that I can't even remember some of them (which is probably a good thing - being a teenager embroiled in that kind of atmosphere can reap some embarrassing results that you won't want to remember when you're an adult). But I digress. Here are the most fun, most meaningful communities that I have been involved in:
5) Hunger Games
The Hunger Games was one of the first fandoms I was a part of. Reading these books was an eye-opening experience for me. I was relatively young when I read these books and hadn't been exposed to anything with heavy political allegory before, or much dystopia. While I never really liked the movies, the books will always hold a special place in my heart.
4) A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
I adore anything with extensive worldbuilding, which is only one of the reasons I love the ASOIAF series. I know some people have a hard time keeping track of all of the characters entangled in the story, I think it feels all the more realistic. It's so far-reaching and there's so much intrigue and backstabbing, reading the books is like entering a parallel universe.
The show I am not as much a fan of anymore. While I appreciate earlier seasons of the show, I no longer care to see what happens to any of the characters (except for my precious daughter Sansa. I will protect her with my life).
3) The Lunar Chronicles
I was pleasantly surprised when I first read this series; I did not expect to like it as much as I do. As I've grown older and read a lot of sci-fi YA, I've become jaded toward the genre as a whole. Every book seems the same, no one wants to take any risks, and a lot of sci-fi YA just feels really messy and plot hole-y. But the Lunar Chronicles was different to me. It reads like a fairytale space opera, and it has diversity, a rarity in YA. It's good enough to keep me interested in the last book, Winter, which I actually just picked up from the library today. I hope it's good!
2) Comics/Graphic Novels
This one is a bit vague but I mean it when I say that I love comics and graphic novels as a whole. Stories in this format are some of the freshest and most striking stories I've read. Pretty Deadly, Saga, Runaways, Black Widow, and Ms. Marvel are all fantastic, and that's just a small portion.
1) Harry Potter
I don't think anything will ever mean as much to me as Harry Potter does. It was with me all through adolescence. I've read every book more than ten times and watched all of the movies at least five. It's one of those stories that burrows into your heart and stays there forever, and you don't remember it's there until you hear the theme song and then that ache starts up again. I'll still be in love with this series till the day I die.
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